How to Prep for Disasters: A Guide for Women Seeking Traditional Roles in Marriage

Blog Title: How to Prep for Disasters: A Guide for Women Seeking Traditional Roles in Marriage

Blog Introduction:

It’s not easy to think about the worst-case scenario. But when it comes to natural disasters, it’s important to be prepared for anything. As women who are seeking traditional roles in marriage, it is important to understand how to prepare for disasters and protect your family. Whether it’s a storm, earthquake, or fire, it’s critical to have a plan in place. In this blog post, we will provide some tips for how to start prepping for disasters.

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Make a Communication Plan

The first and most important step in disaster prepping is to create a communication plan with your family. In the event of a disaster, it is common for cell phone towers to go down, and it can be difficult to reach loved ones. That’s why it’s essential to establish a communication plan beforehand. Discuss which family members to contact in an emergency and have a designated meeting spot in case you get separated.

Gather Supplies

One of the most important steps in prepping for a disaster is gathering necessary supplies. It’s critical to have enough food, water, and medicine to last for several days. Create a list of essential items that you will need, such as batteries, flashlights, a radio, and a first aid kit. Make sure to include items for your children and pets as well.

Protect Your Home

Protecting your home is an essential part of disaster prep. We recommend taking steps to make your home more resilient to natural disasters. For example, consider installing storm shutters, reinforcing your roof, or trimming trees that could potentially fall on your house. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with your homeowners' insurance policy to ensure that you’re adequately covered.

Develop Life Skills

Having essential life skills can be incredibly helpful during a disaster. We recommend taking courses on basic home repairs, camping, cooking, and first aid. These skills can help you prepare for a disaster and may even come in handy in everyday life.

Build a Support Network

The final step in disaster prepping is building a support network. Consider joining a community group or volunteering for emergency response organizations. It’s also a good idea to have a friend or family member who lives outside of your city who you can reach out to if you need to evacuate.


Preparing for a disaster can be challenging, but it’s essential to protect yourself and your family. As women seeking traditional roles in marriage, taking steps to prep for disasters can provide peace of mind and ensure that you’re ready for anything. Remember to create a communication plan, gather necessary supplies, protect your home, develop essential life skills, and build a support network. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you’re prepared for anything life throws your way.

How Far in Advance should You Prep Your Body for Pregnancy?

Blog Title: How Far in Advance should You Prep Your Body for Pregnancy?

Blog Introduction:

If you have ever had the yearning to become a mother, or if you are a traditionalist like me, then you have probably given some thought to planning a pregnancy. As women, we have been created with amazing bodies with the ability to create and nurture life. But, it's important to ask the question; how far in advance should one prep their body for pregnancy?

As a traditional wife, planning a pregnancy has always been an important aspect of my married life. In my opinion, the process should involve both the man and woman, and it can be quite mysterious and fascinating. In this blog post, I'll share some of the tips I have learned to prepare both your body and mind for a healthy pregnancy and sweet little bundle of joy.

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Start with a wellness checkup: The first step in prepping your body for pregnancy should be a thorough physical examination from your doctor. Both you and your partner should plan a visit to your doctor to check your overall health. During the wellness checkup, your doctor will assess your medical history, past pregnancies, and hereditary factors. If you have any medical conditions, now is the time to address and manage them.

Get your nutrition right: Pregnant women need to eat healthy meals to support their growing babies. A few months before planning to conceive, it is essential to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet that is rich in folic acid, iron, vitamins, and proteins. Some foods to include in your diet include leafy greens, whole grains, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Manage stress levels: Pregnancy can be stressful, and stress is not good for a woman’s body. At least a year before conceiving, you should focus on taking care of your mental health. Consider taking part in yoga classes or finding a stress-reducing hobby.

Quit smoking and alcohol: Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause serious harm to a developing baby. It is essential to stop smoking and limit alcohol intake at least a year before trying to conceive.

Work closely with your doctor: Make sure you inform your doctor of any symptoms you experience post-conception. Early detection of any condition or disease can prevent complications during pregnancy.


Now you know how far in advance to prep your body for pregnancy. A year before trying to conceive can give you and your partner sufficient time to make all the necessary preparations. Remember, this is an exciting time, and your journey to becoming a mother should be treated with care. Take time to prioritize your mental and physical health during this time. Follow these tips I have provided to reduce any risk factors and ensure you have a healthy pregnancy.

The Best 3 Survival Items Every Traditional Wife Should Have

Blog Title: The Best 3 Survival Items Every Traditional Wife Should Have

Blog Introduction:
As women, we all have our unique preferences and roles in life. For me, I find joy in being a traditional wife. Being a homemaker means that I need to ensure my family is safe and sound inside and outside the home. I believe that every woman in her 20s who strives to play the same role as myself should carry these best 3 survival items that I've curated just for you. Read on, and I'll share with you why these survival items are vital to your household and what they can do for you.

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A Fire Starter Kit - A fire starter kit using a magnesium rod is one of the most crucial survival items you should have. Fire is one of the essential elements of life, and it serves many purposes - cooking, providing warmth, and safety. Make sure you invest in a quality fire starter kit. It can save you from life-threatening snow storms or a sudden power outage. You might think, "why not just use a lighter", but lighters can run out of fuel before you can get the fire started.

A Good Knife - A high-quality knife is a must-have item for any woman in her 20s who wants to take on a traditional role at home. It's versatile and can be used for almost anything - from preparing dinner to personal protection when you're out and about. Remember that you get what you pay for, and investing in a good quality knife will pay off in the long run. Just make sure to also learn how to clean and sharp the knife properly.

A Water Filtration System - Clean water is vital for survival, and it's essential to have a filtration system to purify water in case of a disaster. It's smart to have a portable water filter that can be carried around in case you need to leave your home or travel, but you can also invest in a whole-house filtration system for convenience. Remember that it's important to check your filters regularly to ensure they're working correctly.

And a bonus - A First Aid Kit - I know that I've only shared the best 3 survival items, but I can't emphasize enough the importance of having a first aid kit. It's something that you can use almost every day, from dealing with small cuts and bruises to more severe injuries. Make sure to have essential items like bandages, antiseptics, and pain relievers that are suitable for both adults and children.

As a traditional wife, taking care of our home and our family is our top priority. That's why you must invest in the best survival items that will make your role more comfortable and secured while being a homemaker. These best 3 survival items, including a fire starter kit, a good quality knife, and a water filtration system, will help you deal with any challenges that you might face in your household. Remember to also keep a first aid kit handy, and always be prepared for the unexpected.

What To Do If He Doesn't Understand Your Love Language

Blog Title: What To Do If He Doesn't Understand Your Love Language

Blog Introduction:

Hello, dear homemakers! Today, I wanted to talk about something that might come up in your lives as wives - how to deal when your spouse doesn't understand your love language.

As a traditional wife, we're all about building strong and loving relationships with our husbands. But sometimes it's hard to communicate exactly how we feel, especially if our spouse doesn't have the same language of love as we do.

Don't worry, though. In this blog post, we'll talk about what love languages are, how to identify yours (and your spouse's), and what to do if he doesn't quite "get it."

So, let's jump right in!

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First, let's discuss what love languages are. Love languages are the different ways that people give and receive love. According to Dr. Gary Chapman, there are five love languages: acts of service, quality time, physical touch, giving gifts, and words of affirmation.

Now, it's important to note that each person has a primary love language, which is the way they most feel loved. But just because someone's primary love language is different from ours, that doesn't mean they don't love us. It just means we need to communicate our love in a way that resonates with them.

So, the first step is to identify your own primary love language (and your husband's). Take Dr. Chapman's love languages quiz online to determine what each of your love languages is. Once you know what both of your love languages are, you can start to communicate with your spouse in a way that best resonates with them.

Now, let's talk about what to do if your husband doesn't "get it" when it comes to your love language.

The first thing to do is to talk to your partner about how important your love language is to you. Make sure they understand that it's not about being needy or demanding, but that you feel most loved when they speak your love language.

For example, if your primary love language is acts of service, you might feel most loved when your husband helps with the chores around the house. If he doesn't quite understand that, explain that it's not about the chores themselves, but about the effort he puts into showing his love for you.

If your husband is still struggling to understand, show him. Take charge and start speaking his love language more often. For example, if his primary love language is quality time, plan a date night or trip together so he can feel loved in his own way.

Additionally, it's important to be patient. Your husband may not understand your love language right away, but it's all about communication and compromise. Keep talking to him, keep showing him, and eventually, he will come to understand how important your love language is to you.


In conclusion, dealing with a spouse who doesn't understand your love language can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be a deal-breaker. As homemakers, we know that communication and compromise are key components of a strong relationship.

Remember to identify your primary love languages, be patient with your partner, and show them love in a way that resonates with them. Most importantly, keep talking and keep showing love.

Your love language is a part of who you are, and it's worth communicating to your spouse. Embrace your differences and build a loving, long-lasting relationship.

How to Choose a Midwife for Homebirth Like a Boss

Blog Title: How to Choose a Midwife for Homebirth Like a Boss

Blog Introduction:

Hello lovely ladies! If you're reading this, it's highly likely that you've made a conscious decision to become a homemaker and raise your family with traditional values. Congratulations on taking this bold step! I know the journey can seem daunting at first. However, it gets better. One of the most important decisions you will make on this journey is finding a suitable midwife for your homebirth. Homebirth is a beautiful and empowering experience when you have the right support team in place. Trust me; I've been there. In this blog post, I'll share tips on how to choose a midwife for homebirth like a boss. Are you ready? Let's dive in!

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Start with recommendations.

Finding the right midwife requires research, and recommendations are an excellent starting point. Ask around if any of your friends or family members have had a homebirth experience with a midwife. Listen to their stories and gather as much information as possible about the process. Additionally, you can search for midwife recommendation groups online. You will get an idea of what to expect and decide which midwives you want to consider.

Check credibility.

Once you have a list of potential midwives, it's essential to check their credibility. Check if they're licensed and certified by the relevant authorities. Confirm if they have malpractice insurance coverage and what their medical background is. You must choose a midwife with relevant experience and a track record of successful home births.

Meet with midwife team.

The next step is to meet with the midwife team. This meeting is usually an opportunity to discuss concerns and ask questions. It's important to ask about how they handle emergencies and what to expect during labor. Ask about the type of equipment the midwife carries and what their approach to pain management is. You need to ensure that the midwife and her team are aligned with your values and what you hope to achieve during your homebirth.

Consider flexibility.

One of the main benefits of having a homebirth is the flexibility that comes with it. You get to choose what works for you during labor, and the midwife team should be open and flexible enough to cater to your desires. As much as safety comes first, you need a midwife who is patient, kind, and willing to listen to your needs. This person should make you comfortable and help you find your inner strength during labor and delivery.

Trust your intuition.

Lastly, trust your intuition. After doing all the checks and meeting with the midwife team, your gut feeling should guide you to the right midwife for you. Your comfort level and good rapport with the midwife will undoubtedly lead to a more successful homebirth experience.


Finding the right midwife for your homebirth journey is vital. It's okay to take your time and do the necessary research. Remember to trust your intuition, be comfortable with your midwife, check credibility, consider flexibility, and seek recommendations. Your homebirth experience will be a beautiful and empowering experience when you have the right team. So, go ahead, stay true to yourself, dream big, and make the right decision for you and your family. Cheers to building the life you desire!

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