Kind of Jeff

Losing a loved one is a profound challenge that lingers, shaping our lives. While we strive to move forward, the void left by their absence remains. Recently, prompted by my mom's gentle nudge to send out cards (a trait inherited from her), I found myself contemplating a meaningful tribute to my dad. Delving into the idea of honoring a loved one through the art of essential oils, I explored blends designed to evoke courage, grounding, and improved circulation, each crafted thoughtfully in remembrance of my father. Embrace the healing and solace that aromatherapy can offer during times of loss and find comfort in the support it provides.

Survivor Not Victim: My Story of Surviving Sexual Abuse and Learning to Thive

The suffocating grip of fear, it's like this invisible shackle that held me captive, you know? It silenced my voice, making me do what he wanted, all because I was so scared of what might happen if I resisted. Even now, as an adult, fear still weighs me down, making it hard for me to speak up. Just the thought of being judged by others or having to share my story with my own family, it's all so overwhelming. Fear, it's like this relentless enemy that I fight against every single day, but today, I'm finally letting go of it.