Embracing Homemaking: How to Deal with an Extremely Messy House

For young women who aspire to be homemakers, maintaining a clean and organized house can seem overwhelming, especially when the home is in disarray. The key to tackling a messy house is to start with a plan: create a cleaning schedule and prioritize the areas that need the most attention. Begin with the most cluttered space, stay focused, and persist until you make headway.

To stay motivated, use a timer set for 15-20 minutes of cleaning followed by a short break, repeating the cycle. When decluttering, it's crucial to be ruthless—remove items you don't need and invest in storage solutions like boxes, bins, and baskets for better organization. Assign a designated place for frequently misplaced items, and create storage space for seasonal belongings to maintain order.

Remember, you can't clean the entire house in one day; set achievable goals and tackle different areas on different days. Create a cleaning schedule and involve the whole family by assigning age-appropriate chores to each member. Homemaking is about balancing personal responsibilities with keeping a beautiful and purposeful home, focusing on progress rather than perfection.

Revive Your Homemaking with Home CEO Daily Notes: Your Ultimate Companion for a Stress-Free Home

Revive Your Homemaking with Home CEO Daily Notes: Your Ultimate Companion for a Stress-Free Home
Introducing Home CEO Daily Notes – the ultimate journal for busy homemakers! This flexible 6-month undated notebook is my secret weapon to conquer daily chaos and bring order to my home. With monthly calendars, goal planning, daily notes, and empowering monthly reviews, this journal is a game-changer that every homemaker craves. It's time to unleash my inner CEO and achieve the home organization I've always wanted.

With convenient features, Home CEO Daily Notes makes home management a breeze. 

But this journal goes beyond organization. It offers security with password storage and a home inventory log. Homemakers like me deserve tools that simplify and elevate the art of homemaking, and that's exactly what Home CEO Daily Notes does. 

How to Make Mondays Your "Get Your Sh*t Together" Day: A Homemaker's Guide

How to Make Mondays Your "Get Your Sh*t Together" Day: A Homemaker's Guide
As a homemaker, our weekends can often feel chaotic, but Mondays offer the perfect opportunity to restore order and bring calm back into our lives. In this blog post, we provide a handy guide to help you make Monday your "get your sh*t together" day.

Start by making a to-do list and prioritizing tasks to make the most of your time. Tackling the laundry pile on Monday can lighten the load for the rest of the week, while decluttering your spaces can bring a sense of calm. Plan your meals and create a grocery list to save time and money. Finally, remember to take some time for yourself to recharge and rejuvenate.

By following these simple tips, you can start your week on the right foot, feel accomplished, and embrace the routine of being a homemaker. Make Mondays your day to get organized and live your dream.

The Apple Watch- A Homemaker's Best Friend

The Apple Watch- A Homemaker's Best Friend
I never thought I would be one of those people who uses an Apple watch. I mean, why do you need a watch when you have a phone? But let me tell you, the apple watch has been a game changer for me since becoming a full time homemaker. Here's why...

How to make time for the things you NEED to do, and still do the things you WANT to do.

How to make time for the things you NEED to do, and still do the things you WANT to do.

I live it. Every single day.

So, when I told myself I was writing a blog post today, I made the time to do it. I looked at my list of blog ideas, and realized this topic was perfect.

Which is why I KNOW you need to hear this too.

We all have the same amount of hours in the day. We decide what we are going to do with those hours. If we have set obligations, we have less hours to get our other tasks done, but still need to do them.

This may look like working out for 30 minutes a week if that is all you can squeeze in, as long as you make the time to take care of your body. 

75 Hard (even though I am on my 3rd reboot at the time of this writing...) is teaching me about prioritizing the things that are important to us. I am spending 1hr 30m a day working out. 

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