Conquer the crud: Deep cleaning the Refrigerator and Freezer

Conquer the crud: Deep cleaning the Refrigerator and Freezer
In today's One Month Deep Cleaning Challenge, we're taking on the task of decluttering and cleaning the refrigerator and freezers. Start by unplugging the appliances and removing all the food, checking for expired items and tossing them out. Then, wash all the shelves, drawers, and racks with soapy water or a baking soda solution to tackle tough stains. Once everything is clean, use warm water and dish soap to clean the interior of the refrigerator and freezers, making sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. After reorganizing and putting everything back, give the exterior a wipe down. Regular cleaning and organizing will keep your kitchen in tip-top shape. Stay tuned for more cleaning tips in the One Month Deep Cleaning Challenge.

Small Kitchen Appliance Deep Cleaning List for Homemakers

Maintaining clean and well-maintained kitchen appliances is essential for every homeowner. This blog post provides a comprehensive list of deep cleaning tips for small kitchen appliances such as the coffee pot, blender, Instant Pot, crockpot, can opener, air fryer, dehydrator, meat slicer, Soda Stream, waffle iron, vacuum sealer, sandwich press, stand mixer, food processor, and ice cream maker. From using vinegar and water to clean the coffee pot to scrubbing the blades of a can opener with a toothbrush, these tips ensure that your appliances are fresh and ready to use. Visit the blog post for more detailed instructions on how to clean each appliance effectively and keep your kitchen running smoothly.

Don't Let the Oven Gremlins Win: Tips for Keeping Your Oven Clean

Discover five tips to easily keep your oven sparkling clean and tame any lurking gremlins. Start by lining your baking trays with aluminum foil, parchment paper, or a baking mat for easy cleanup of spills and grease. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down your oven after each use to prevent buildup and sticky residue. Additionally, regularly check and clean the burners to avoid fire hazards and unplug appliances before cleaning to reduce the risk of electric shock. Finally, invest in an oven liner to catch spills and crumbs, saving you time and effort in scraping off baked-on grease. With these simple daily maintenance steps, you can effortlessly maintain a spotless oven and experience worry-free cooking. Happy cleaning!

My FAVORITE Kitchen Gadgets

I have been decluttering my home for years on and off, but really hit it hard in 2020. Not only have we all had way more time at home, but I am just so over the stuff. I still have quite a bit to go, but I have almost found Kitchen Peace. I am not going for perfect at the moment, because we plan on moving before the end of the year, but my space feels so much calmer. 
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