How to Choose a Midwife Like a Traditional Homemaker

Blog Title: How to Choose a Midwife Like a Traditional Homemaker

Blog Introduction:

As a modern traditional woman, you understand the value of living a life aligned with your values. Choosing a midwife is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. It is vital to trust your intuition and work with someone who supports your choices and values. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to choose a midwife like a traditional homemaker.

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Research the midwife's qualifications

When selecting a midwife, it is crucial to research their qualifications. Ensure that they have the necessary education, certifications, and licenses. Ask how long they have been practicing and if they have experience with home births, hospital births, or both. As a traditional homemaker, it is essential to work with someone who understands your values and supports your choices.

Ask about their philosophy of care

Before choosing a midwife, ask about their philosophy of care. This will give you an idea of their approach to childbirth, prenatal care, and postpartum care. As a traditional homemaker, you may prefer a more natural approach that aligns with your values. It is vital to find a midwife who shares your philosophy of care and is on the same page as you.

Look for personal recommendations

As a traditional homemaker, you value personal connections and relationships. Look for personal recommendations from friends or family who have worked with midwives. Alternatively, ask your healthcare provider or doula for recommendations. Personal recommendations can give you insight into a midwife's approach, personality, and values.

Consider the location of their practice

Consider the location of the midwife's practice when choosing a midwife. If you are planning a home birth, ensure that the midwife is comfortable with home births and has experience delivering babies in a home setting. If you are planning a hospital birth, ensure that the midwife has privileges at the hospital where you plan to give birth. As a traditional homemaker, it is essential to work with someone who provides care in a setting that aligns with your values.

Trust your instinct

As a traditional homemaker, you understand the importance of intuition and gut feelings. When choosing a midwife, it is essential to trust your instinct. If something feels off, it may be time to look for another midwife. It is vital to work with someone who understands and supports your values and choices.


As a modern traditional woman, choosing a midwife that aligns with your values is essential. Research the midwife's qualifications, ask about their philosophy of care, look for personal recommendations, consider the location of their practice, and trust your instinct. Work with someone who understands and supports your values, and you'll be on your way to a beautiful birth experience. Remember, as a traditional homemaker, it's all about embracing what you truly desire and building a life that aligns with your values.

Being A Traditional Woman In A Modern World: How To Keep Your Family Healthy

Blog Title: Being A Traditional Woman In A Modern World: How To Keep Your Family Healthy

Blog Introduction:

Being traditional in a world that is all about breaking norms can be challenging. The freedom to choose is a beautiful thing, and if your heart is set on being a homemaker, it's okay! In this blog post, we'll discuss how to keep your family healthy. As homemakers, we are the gatekeepers of our homes' health, and our efforts can significantly impact the well-being of our loved ones. Let's dive into some tips and tricks to keep our family healthy.

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Mind What Goes On Everyone's Plate

One of the first things as a homemaker is to ensure that healthy foods make up everyone's plates. It can be challenging in a world that is all about fast food, but that doesn't mean you can't cook healthy meals at home. Experiment with different types of cuisines that can add variety and fun to meal prep. Whip up some tasty marinades and spices that can transform ordinary food into something spectacular.

Emphasize Hydration

Hydration is the key to good health, and it's easy to forget to drink enough water throughout the day. As a homemaker, you can introduce infused water to your family, which is an excellent way to add delicious flavors to the regular water. You can add lemon, cucumber, mint, or other fruits to enhance the taste. Hydration can also be through smoothies, tea, and other healthy drinks.

Make Movement A Priority

Incorporating exercise into your family's routine is an obvious and essential factor in keeping your family healthy, but it's also one that can be easily overlooked. Find ways to make exercise fun. Consider embarking on a family bike ride or a hike or even dance parties in the living room. Workout challenges are also great to keep everyone motivated.

Mental Health Is Key, Too

Good mental health is essential for overall well-being, and as traditional homemakers, we frequently overlook it. Take some time to prioritize your family's mental health. Encourage everyone to unplug from electronics and engage in activities that bring them joy and relaxation - whether it's yoga, meditation, or journaling.

A Good Night's Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in our lives as homemakers. We need it to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day, so make sure everyone in your family is getting enough sleep. Create an environment that's conducive to healthy sleep - perhaps by using blackout curtains or by removing electronics from bedrooms.


Being a traditional woman can be challenging in a world that is all about breaking the mold. But being a traditional home-maker is the way to go. Remember, as homemakers, we are the guardians of our family's health. By adopting some of these tips and tricks mentioned above, you'll be well on your way to creating a healthier family environment and keeping your family healthy. Embrace your desire to cook, clean, and take care of the family. It's okay to be modern traditional women; in fact, it's kind of amazing.

Embracing Homemaking: How to Deal with an Extremely Messy House

Blog Title: Embracing Homemaking: How to Deal with an Extremely Messy House

Blog Introduction:
For young women who desire to be homemakers, the idea of taking care of a home and family can be daunting, especially when the house is a total mess. As a modern traditional woman who values simplicity and traditional values, I understand how important it is to maintain a clean and organized home. In this blog post, I will share my practical tips and tricks for tackling an extremely messy house.

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Start with a Plan

Before you even begin cleaning, you need a plan of attack. Create a cleaning schedule and prioritize which areas of the house need the most attention. This will help you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start with the most cluttered space and work your way around. Stick to the plan, stay focussed and don’t give up!

Utilize a Timer

Set a timer for 15-20 minutes, and start cleaning (even if it feels like a small period of time - it still counts!). Once the timer goes off, take a short break, and then set the timer again. Keeping up the pattern will keep you motivated and push you to reach your goals.

Declutter and Organize

When it comes to decluttering, it's important to be ruthless. Get rid of things you don't need or use. Invest in storage boxes, bins, and baskets for easier organization. Have a designated place for items that are commonly misplaced, create a storage space for seasonal items and find new ways to keep your home organized. You can use well-organized and labeled baskets, cabinets, storage room spaces, and racks for easy storage.

Set Achievable Goals

It's important to remember that you can't clean the entire house in one day. Set achievable goals and work towards them each day. Even if it's just one room, it'll feel gratifying for your efforts. You could dedicate each day of the week to different areas of the house. For instance, Monday is the day for the living room, Tuesday can be for the kitchen, Wednesday you clean the bedrooms, and so on. It's important to make sure you balance time for cleaning and your personal responsibilities.

Get the Family Involved

Maintaining a clean and organized house is a team effort, and it's essential to get the entire family involved. Assign age-appropriate chores to each family member. Even your toddlers can help with simple tasks like putting away toys. Encourage them to stay active and responsible for caring for their own spaces.

Being a modern traditional woman doesn't mean having a perfectly clean home at all times. It's simply about doing your best and being intentional about the values you prioritize. By creating a cleaning schedule or a reasonable plan and sticking to it, utilizing timers, decluttering and organizing, setting achievable goals, and keeping in mind that it's a team effort, there's no mess too big to tackle. Embracing homemaking is about finding balance and peace in creating a beautiful and purposeful home for you and your family. Remember, it's all about progress, not perfection.

Planting 101: What to Grow for Beginners

Blog Title: Planting 101: What to Grow for Beginners

Blog Introduction: Hey there, lovely homemakers! As a traditional wife myself, I know how important it is to be able to feed your family with fresh produce from your own garden. That's why today, I want to share with you all my knowledge on planting and what to grow as a beginner. Whether you're a passionate earth mama or a rookie gardener, this guide has got you covered!

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Start Simple

If you're new to the world of planting, it's important to start simple. Although planting can be fun and fulfilling, it can also be overwhelming and time-consuming. That's why it's best to begin with something that's easy to maintain and relatively uncomplicated to grow. Consider starting with leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, or kale. These plants do well in cooler weather and don't require much attention other than regular watering and weeding. They're also quick to mature, so you'll be able to see the fruits of your labor in no time!

Go For Herbs

If you're looking for something that's both functional and beautiful, consider planting herbs. These fragrant little wonders not only add a pop of color to your garden, but they're also super useful in the kitchen. Herbs like basil, cilantro, and parsley are fantastic beginner options because they grow quickly, require minimal maintenance, and can be used in a variety of dishes. Plus, once your herbs start to bush out, they make for a stunning addition to your kitchen windowsill!

Work Your Way to Tomatoes

Although tomatoes may seem intimidating at first, they're definitely worth the effort. Not only are they a staple in most kitchens, but they're also one of the most popular plants to grow. If you're a beginner, consider starting with a cherry tomato plant. They're smaller and easier to manage, and they also produce fruit faster than larger tomato plants. As they grow, make sure to water them regularly, trim back any yellow leaves, and use a stake or a tomato cage to support them as they mature.

Be Mindful of the Season

One of the most important things to keep in mind when planting is the season. Different plants thrive in different temperatures, so it's essential to know when to plant what. For example, cool-season plants like lettuce and spinach do best in the spring or early fall when the weather is cooler. Meanwhile, warm-season plants like tomatoes and peppers do best in the summertime when the temperatures are warmer. Make sure to research the plants you plan on growing, so you know when the best time to plant them is.

Have Fun!

Above all, remember to have fun! Planting can be an enjoyable and fulfilling hobby, but it can also be frustrating at times. Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time, or if your plants don't grow as you expected. The most crucial part of planting is enjoying the journey. Whether you're looking to grow a lush garden, or you just want to try your hand at something new, planting is a fantastic way to get in touch with nature and learn a new skill.


There you have it, ladies! My top tips for planting and what to grow as a beginner. Remember, planting is not only an excellent way to nourish your family, but it's also a fantastic hobby to enjoy in your spare time. So go ahead, get out there, and get your hands dirty. Planting is both an art and a science, and whether your a seasoned pro or a newbie gardener, there's always something new to learn!

What to do if He Doesn't Understand My Love Language

Blog Title: What to do if He Doesn't Understand My Love Language

Blog Introduction: As traditional women who desire nothing more than being the best homemakers they can be, we all know the importance of communicating our love languages with our significant other. It's how we show our love in the most meaningful way possible. However, what happens when he doesn't understand our love language? It can be a frustrating and heart-breaking experience. But don't worry, my dear. I'm here to give you some tips on what to do if this happens.

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Understand Your Love Language Better

It's essential to understand your love language better before expecting someone else to understand it fully. Take the time to learn about your love language and what it means. This way, you can explain it in detail to your significant other. For example, if your love language is acts of service, you can explain to him that small acts like doing the dishes, folding the laundry, and running errands mean a lot to you. They show you that he cares and wants to make your life easier.

Communicate Clearly and Directly

When in a relationship, communication is vital. Always tell your significant other what you need and how you're feeling. If your love language is physical touch, tell him that you need more hugs, kisses, and cuddles. Don't beat around the bush. Be direct and clear with your communication. This will help him understand your love language better and make him more receptive to your needs.

Be Patient

Learning a new love language takes time and effort. It won't happen overnight. Be patient with him and give him the time he needs to understand your love language. Be gentle in your approach and don't get frustrated with him. Remember that he loves you and wants to make you happy, but he may need some guidance and reassurance.

Show Him the Love Language He Understands

It's not just about expecting him to understand your love language better. It's also about making an effort to understand his love language. What is his love language, and how can you show him your love in that language? For instance, if his love language is words of affirmation, you can express your love through verbal reminders of how much he means to you, how proud you are of him, and how much you appreciate him.

Seek Outside Help

If you've exhausted all the above options and still struggling, consider seeking outside help. A relationship counselor or therapist can help you both understand each other's love language better and how to communicate more effectively.


Being a modern traditional woman isn't always easy, especially when it comes to communicating our love languages. It's essential to understand ourselves first, communicate clearly and directly, be patient, show him love in a language he understands, and seek outside help when needed. Remember that you deserve to be loved and cherished, and communicating your love language is a crucial aspect of a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

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