Blog Title: What To Do If He Doesn't Understand Your Love Language

Blog Introduction:

Hello, dear homemakers! Today, I wanted to talk about something that might come up in your lives as wives - how to deal when your spouse doesn't understand your love language.

As a traditional wife, we're all about building strong and loving relationships with our husbands. But sometimes it's hard to communicate exactly how we feel, especially if our spouse doesn't have the same language of love as we do.

Don't worry, though. In this blog post, we'll talk about what love languages are, how to identify yours (and your spouse's), and what to do if he doesn't quite "get it."

So, let's jump right in!

Blog Body:

First, let's discuss what love languages are. Love languages are the different ways that people give and receive love. According to Dr. Gary Chapman, there are five love languages: acts of service, quality time, physical touch, giving gifts, and words of affirmation.

Now, it's important to note that each person has a primary love language, which is the way they most feel loved. But just because someone's primary love language is different from ours, that doesn't mean they don't love us. It just means we need to communicate our love in a way that resonates with them.

So, the first step is to identify your own primary love language (and your husband's). Take Dr. Chapman's love languages quiz online to determine what each of your love languages is. Once you know what both of your love languages are, you can start to communicate with your spouse in a way that best resonates with them.

Now, let's talk about what to do if your husband doesn't "get it" when it comes to your love language.

The first thing to do is to talk to your partner about how important your love language is to you. Make sure they understand that it's not about being needy or demanding, but that you feel most loved when they speak your love language.

For example, if your primary love language is acts of service, you might feel most loved when your husband helps with the chores around the house. If he doesn't quite understand that, explain that it's not about the chores themselves, but about the effort he puts into showing his love for you.

If your husband is still struggling to understand, show him. Take charge and start speaking his love language more often. For example, if his primary love language is quality time, plan a date night or trip together so he can feel loved in his own way.

Additionally, it's important to be patient. Your husband may not understand your love language right away, but it's all about communication and compromise. Keep talking to him, keep showing him, and eventually, he will come to understand how important your love language is to you.


In conclusion, dealing with a spouse who doesn't understand your love language can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be a deal-breaker. As homemakers, we know that communication and compromise are key components of a strong relationship.

Remember to identify your primary love languages, be patient with your partner, and show them love in a way that resonates with them. Most importantly, keep talking and keep showing love.

Your love language is a part of who you are, and it's worth communicating to your spouse. Embrace your differences and build a loving, long-lasting relationship.


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