One Month of Deep Cleaning: Sofa Edition

One Month of Deep Cleaning: Sofa Edition
In this blog post, we are diving into the art of deep cleaning sofas. The first step is to remove all the cushions and fluff them up to release any dust accumulated in the fibers. Vacuuming with an upholstery attachment is the next task, focusing on fabric surfaces and creases. To address stains, use a gentle cleaning solution or a steam cleaner, ensuring to test on a small area first. Removable cushion covers can be thrown in the wash, while a fabric refresher spray can be used on non-removable covers. Lastly, don't forget to give your sofa some love by fluffing pillows, rearranging cushions, or adding a bright accent pillow. So let's give our sofas the care they deserve and make them feel extra special during this deep cleaning journey.

How to Prepare Your Home for Overnight Guests, Without Losing Your Mind in the Process

How to Prepare Your Home for Overnight Guests, Without Losing Your Mind in the Process
Preparing your home for overnight guests can be both exciting and stressful. To help you create a welcoming space without going crazy, it's important to set clear expectations before your guests arrive. This includes communicating where they will sleep, where they can store their belongings, and any house rules. By doing so, everyone knows what to expect, avoiding any surprises or misunderstandings.

Additionally, make sure to create room for your guests' belongings. Clear out some extra space in closets and drawers to ensure they don't feel like they are taking over the whole house. Also, make sure there is space in the bathroom for any toiletries or medications they may bring. Lastly, don't forget to give your home a thorough cleaning. Dust off all surfaces, vacuum pet hair or dust bunnies, and ensure the bathrooms are spotless. A clean and tidy house will make your guests feel truly welcomed.

In the end, hosting overnight guests doesn't have to be stressful. By setting expectations, making room for their belongings, and tidying up, you can ensure your guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay, while also maintaining your own sanity. So get ready to welcome your guests with open arms and a sparkling clean home!


Remain Curious

Remain Curious
I used to work at Victoria's Secret. It was one of those places where you heard the same phrases over and over again until they started to sound like nails on a chalkboard. "Remain curious" was one of those phrases.

At the time, I didn't really understand what it meant. I just knew that it was something that the corporate powers-that-be wanted us to say. Now that I am in a different place in life, I find myself using this phrase more often. And I actually understand what it means.


Giving Yourself Some Homemaking Grace

Giving Yourself Some Homemaking Grace
Let's face it, homemaking is hard work. It's a full-time job, and sometimes it feels like we're never going to get ahead. The important thing to remember is that we're not perfect and our homes don't have to be either. Just because that Pinterest mom seems to have it all together doesn't mean that she actually does.


How to Make Sure Your Home is Guest-Ready in a Jiffy

How to Make Sure Your Home is Guest-Ready in a Jiffy
Are you expecting guests for a long weekend? Sprucing up your home can seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Here are some quick and easy tips to ensure your home is guest-ready in no time.
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