Welcome to 12 Acre Wonderland
When we moved to our 12 Acre Wonderland in September, I knew I wanted to share this journey with the world. I have been learning from others who came before me in the homestead community for many years but hadn't seen anyone sharing the beginning of their homestead journey. I had so many questions about HOW to get to the point these mentors were at. Not just what to do when we got there. 

So I made a decision. I wanted to share the entire journey with the world. Not just the middle.

And then we moved into a house that wasn't what we expected. Our closing took 2.5 months. The previous owners of our property had stopped caring for it. This was not the home I wanted to share. This was a disaster. Yes, our property is still beautiful, and I can share all of its beauty. But I wanted to share the messy, the dirty, the things no one else was. 

So I waited. 

I waited for pest control to get the cockroaches under control. I waited for us to clean up the trash a bit. I waited for the grass to be mowed and to get the weeds under control. I waited for it to be perfect to share with all of you. 

And then it dawned on me. This is exactly WHY I wanted to share everything. I wanted to help future homesteaders. I wanted to show them what I didn't see when researching this lifestyle. 

So my procrastination ends now. 

I picked a date and decided no matter what, I was going to get my video out to the world. 

And I did. 

It's far from perfect, but that's exactly perfect for me. 

Check out the whole video: Welcome to Our Homestead


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